About the Connecticut Flute Orchestra

How it began
Brief History
It all begins with a thought! Helene Rosenblatt thinking that “there must be another way” to put together a top notch larger group that would not be committed to an “every week” rehearsal. Thinking over her experiences of over 50 years and analyzing what led to the success or failure of various groups? The issues mostly revolved around commitment and attendance. For example, she was involved with the Connecticut Recorder Orchestra for a year and loved its sense of community and the way people self-regulated parts, etc. After one year of struggling to make weekly rehearsals in Waterbury after a ten hour work day in Groton, that ended for Helene. The Orchestra lasted a few years and then died probably because of the same factors. So was there a way now, she wondered, that the numbers of fine flutists in Connecticut could bring together something similar but on a higher performance level with fewer rehearsals and very good preparation. Out of this thought process came an inquiry email to a few flutists in July of 2016. The reception was overwhelmingly positive. August 2016 was the first Founders meeting. A name was chosen and the Connecticut Flute Orchestra (CTFO) was born.
Who Plays in CTFO?
Experienced professional-caliber flutists from all over Connecticut. Musicians with similar musical tastes, a desire for musical adventure, people who are kind and supportive of each other. These musicians will collaborate to create musical experiences which inspire. CTFO includes approximately 20 performers . The instrumentation includes piccolo, Eb flute, C flute, alto flute, bass flute, contrabass flute, and subcontra bass flute.
CTFO is all about making great music, creating community – among the musicians, with local businesses, with our audience! We hope to make a difference in Connecticut by providing quality music, more performance opportunities at a high level of artistry for the performers and involvement with the people of all ages in Connecticut.
Thank you for your support! We intend to “give back” to the communities of Connecticut in all ways that we can.

How CTFO functions
CTFO relies on donations and advertising in its programs for funding. We will apply for grants as time and personnel are available to pursue them. The group is assembled by invitation. It is LIMITED to Connecticut flutists. We currently have approximately 21 players and 6 substitutes on our roster. Performances are planned with 12-16 players. We know scheduling will force some players to decline a performance. If you are interested in becoming a member please contact ctfluteorchestra@gmail.com. We do NOT have any openings, but will make attempts to hear perspective players and discuss our perspectives on music making. Players who do not fit into a all for one and one for all attitude will not work.
CTFO Orchestra Policies
Making CTFO a Success
Welcome and Statement of “Company Culture” which is sent to each perspective player:
Welcome to the Connecticut Flute Orchestra! You may not realize it yet, but you have joined a unique group, an ensemble that is different from others, and one of the best. The Connecticut Flute Orchestra is designed to appeal to the best flutists by playing ambitious, varied repertoire, by eschewing most musician ranking, and by promoting a spirit of fun and musical adventure. We want to take risks and try innovative ways to reach audiences. We want the CTFO spirit to be fun, egoless, egalitarian, and “all-for-one-and-one-for-all.” The Orchestra is being formed by invitation because we want to attract players who fit the profile of wanting to work together and support each other to make great music. Who plays in the CTFO? Experienced Professional-caliber musicians from all over Connecticut, musicians with sophisticated musical tastes and a desire for musical adventure, musicians who are still in love with music and haven’t become jaded. Individuals without big egos, willing to share solos and seating. People who like to help out, are responsible and honor their commitments, People who are kind and supportive of each other.